Saturday 28 July 2018

Rescue cats and a harness and leash experiment

Enid is ready for adoption now.  In the few months she's been with me I've got to know her personality.  She's a very sweet little cat, enjoys her food and loves her toys.    We recently an inquiry from a family who saw her adoption video and photos and thought Enid was great. 

The family lived near a main road so we agreed Enid would need a harness to keep her from running onto the road.  Enid loves to explore my garden which backs onto a field so it's safe for the cats I foster to roam.  Unfortunately Enid did not take to the harness at all.  I tried patiently but it became clear it was not for her.  Enid, once outside, loves to explore, chase flies and climb the small tree in my garden.  Perhaps if Enid liked to lounge around in the sun a harness would be fine.  It was very disappointing as the family seemed so excited to have Enid as a family member but sadly sometimes adoptions don't work out.  I felt bad for both the family and little Enid.  

So for now Enid remains chief toy tester in my foster home with Hildy usually looking amused at her antics.

Thank you for stopping by to meet the cats I foster visit Cat Buddy on Youtube

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