Thursday 11 January 2018

What to look for in a good cattery

Before you decide to book your cat into the cattery take a little time to research a good cattery so your feline family member will have the best chance of enjoying your holiday as well.

Ask family and friends if they can recommend a good cattery.  A good sign is that they use the came cattery every time they go away.

If you don't know anyone who can recommend one then it might be worth your time to visit local
What should you look for?

1) Litter trays, food, water bowls and individual cat pens are clean and in good repair.

2) Cats that are boarding there when you visit look happy, stimulated and safe.

3) Pens have both a sleeping area and a run so they can exercise and rest.

4) Pens have enough room to keep litter tray and food bowls separate.

5) The cattery has working smoke alarms.

6) The cattery owners are happy and relaxed about you having a look round.

A good cattery can get full especially around holiday time so make sure you book well ahead of
time. It might be as well to research a few decent catteries so if your preferred one is booked you
have a second decent cattery for back up.

Lastly some cat shelters especially independent ones offer cattery services  to supplement the cost
of running their cat shelter.  This options means you're boarding fees will help other cats in your area.
Again don't be afraid to visit and check out their premises to make sure you'll be happy leaving your
cat in their care.

Thank you for reading - if you have any good tips please leave a comment.

Visit Cat Buddy youtube channel  where you can find out more about the cats we've rescued.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Cat care basics food and treats

If you're thinking about getting a cat or new to cat owership here are just a few tips.

There is some debate on whether kibble (dry food) or wet food is better.  I use both but stick to high quality dry.  Dry means they can snack when they are hungry and wet food contains water so it keeps them hydrated.  Wet also has a better smell to cats encouraging a good appetite.

Feed at regular times and keep a routine.  I've fostered cats that have gobbled up food as soon as it's put down.  After a while, with many cats, this calms down.  It's as if they begin to trust that their servant owner will keep the food coming.

Finally keep spare food bowls so you can replace dirty bowls while you soak and clean them without your cat getting all in a tiz wondering where his food bowl went.

Visit Cat Buddy youtube channel  where you can find out more about the cats we've rescued.