Saturday 11 August 2018

Cats Playing Football - Easy to Make DIY Toy

Cats can easily get bored and many cat toys can be costly. Donations from the public go on higher priority food and medical treatment so I enjoy keeping the rescue cats I foster stimulated and active by creating play activities that cost very little.

Most cats love boxes I've yet to work out why but I suspect it may be something to do with the facts that cats like to hide, pounce and ambush as part of their natural hunting behaviour. Any activity that mimics this is a winner with cats.

At work we took delivery of a large item and nobody minded that I took the box home. Meanwhile a bag of  table tennis ballscosting only pennies were on their way. Both Hildy and Enid interacted with this set up immediatley.  Curious at first but then chasing the balls around and jumping in and out of the box along with a few harmless cat fights along the way.

If you'd like to see them in action I did a short video of their cat capers which also demonstrates how easy this play activitity is to create. If you don't have a box this big one or two smaller boxes should do the trick.

 I'd love to hear if you tried this out - if you did comment below and let me know what happened.

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