Monday 30 October 2017

Reasons to adopt a rescue cat

Cats from rescue shelters or in a foster home have usually being through a rough time. Your kindness gives them a second chance in a loving home.

Most are already trained to use their cat litter box so you don't have to worry about mess.

Most shelters ask for a donation when you adopt a cat.  This is because your new feline friend has received medical care such as neutering and flea treatment.  Your donation goes toward helping other rescue cats.

You get a better picture of the cat's health.  As many have been in foster homes or rescue shelters the cat's health has been monitored for any signs of ill health and can advise you on any health issues the cat might have.

You can be specific about what sort of cat would suit you best.  You may want an indoor cat if you live near a busy road.  If you have pets already your local cat rescue centre can find you a cat that stands the best chance of fitting in with your other animals. If you want to adopt two cats then your cat rescue centre will help you find two that are already buddies. 

Many cat rescue centres, at least the one I volunteer for give you the opportunity to return the cat if things aren't working out. It's rare but at least you have peace of mind that your cat will be returned to a good home and quickly.

You can always contact the rescue centre with any questions about your new cat after adoption. Maybe your new little pal meows a lot and you wonder if it's his personality or just that's he's still a little anxious in his new home.

You know in advance what sort of food he's happy eating and if any food doesn't agree with him.  The rescue centre will have worked out any food that tends to make him sick.


Cat rescue: Success stories

If you're interested in the work we do this video shows some of the cats we've rescued and wherever possible their background story and reasons they came to us.

Most in this video have been adopted but we continue to help as many cats as we can.

Visit Cat Buddy youtube channel  where you can find out more about the cats we've rescued.

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